Collingswood Public Schools
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open
Registration for Collingswood Public Schools is completed online.
For preschool registration click here.
Please see the Registration Checklist for a list of documents that will be needed during the online registration process.
These documents must be uploaded to the Online Open Registration Portal.
You will receive a confirmation email when online registration is complete.
Registration is currently open for K-12.
K-12 Registration Information
The Collingswood Public School District has specific registration requirements for students who attend our schools.
In addition to meeting residency requirements, the State of New Jersey also requires a physical examination by a doctor and certain immunizations. Each of these requirements is outlined on the page for the appropriate grade span.
Registering your child online creates an Open Registration Portal account that is not accessible after registration is complete.
You will receive a confirmation email when online registration is complete.
A registrar will review your application and contact you with further information.
Grades 1-12 Registrar
Nichole Costello , District Registrar
(856) 962-5702 ext 9006
Call or email with questions . In person registration is by appointment only.
Kindergarten Registrar
Lisa Pendarvis , Kindergarten Registrar
(856) 858-0335 ext 7188
kReg@collsk12.orgCall or email with questions . In person registration is by appointment only.
Kindergarten Age: must be 5 by October 1
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is currently open.
Preschool Registrar
Rachael Ostroff , Preschool Registrar
(856) 833-5291 ext 8100
preschoolReg@collsk12.orgCall or email with questions . In person registration is by appointment only.
Preschool ages: 3 & 4 years old
Entrance Age Information
All age-eligible requirements surrounding grade level placement are outlined in policy 5112 Entrance Age. If there is a concern about a child’s readiness for Kindergarten, the Parent/Guardian will complete the Entrance Age Exception Request form along with corresponding documents outlining the concerns for readiness for the appropriate grade level, in this case Kindergarten.
Preschool Registration Information
With the help of Preschool Expansion Funding, the Collingswood Public School District is able to offer a full-day preschool program for the 2023-2024 school year.