About Our Program
The Collingswood Public School District has specific requirements for students who attend our schools. In addition to meeting residency requirements, the State of New Jersey also requires a physical examination by a doctor and certain immunizations.
With the help of Preschool Expansion Funding, the Collingswood Public School District is able to offer a full-day preschool program. This additional funding means we will be able to offer high-quality, full-day preschool without charge to Collingswood children. The Preschool Expansion Funding will cover the cost of teachers, instructional assistants, other professional personnel, supplies, and related expenses. The exact number of seats available will be determined by the New Jersey Department of Education.
We currently have high-quality, full-day preschool in Collingswood is at the following locations: Thomas Sharp Elementary School, Zane North Elementary School, Collingswood Preschool Center at Oaklyn School, and the Collingswood Early Childhood Center at the First United Methodist Church on Dayton Avenue. Our program will follow many of the best practices known to result in the greatest learning for all children.
We are excited for the opportunity to share in your child's educational journey!