NJ Human Services is making the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone available for free September 24th to 26th at participating pharmacies throughout New Jersey. https://nj.gov/humanservices/stopoverdoses/
Board of Education Meeting Monday, September 20, 2020 beginning at 6:30pm via Zoom - Meeting ID: 884 2996 4757 Passcode: 618420
College Planning Q & A for 12th grade parents Tuesday, Sept 22 at 6:30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86586027545?pwd=QTFUWUszNHVWZXRKdHN0WlE3UzVUQT09
A reminder that 7th and 10th grade orientations are scheduled this week! Orientations begin at 1:30pm. See schedule for details https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/876322/August_21_Welcome_Back_Update_State_Submission.pdf
The Collingswood and Oaklyn Schools are not collecting Chromebook Insurance this year. But, Chromebooks will still need repair. Contribute now to keep Chromebooks running and Learning moving forward! https://fundly.com/student-technology-fund
Given the uncertain times, Girl Scouts has committed to keeping a sense of community & connection, even while meeting virtually or socially-distanced, outdoors. https://www.gscsnj.org/content/dam/gscsnj/documents/MarketingInMotion/mim-2019/2019%20Group%20-%20General%20Flyer.pdf
The Colls PD is partnering with the Camden County Prosecutor's Office as a drop off location for their diaper drive to help combat child abuse. https://camdencountypros.org/camden-county-prosecutors-office-hosts-diaper-drive-to-help-combat-child-abuse/
Students should not have to wonder how they’re going to log in for school. The @FCC and Chairman Ajit Pai could help the 15 million students who are #LoggedOut. When will they do their job and help secure #InternetForAll?
Topic: Board of Education Meeting
Time: Aug 24, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 8678 8598
Passcode: 610922
Welcome Back 2020 Return to School Plan - August 21 Update
Para la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal, las escuelas de Collingswood y Oaklyn comenzarán el año escolar 2020-2021 con instrucción remota. https://5il.co/jwec
For the safety of students and staff, the Collingswood and Oaklyn Schools will begin the 2020-2021 school year with remote instruction.
For info on the Colls/HT Connect 2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and to take our final survey, visit https://www.connect2020sj.com/plan-recommendations-survey/ . The survey closes next week so give us your feedback today!
Collingswood and Oaklyn release common school supply lists https://www.collingswood.k12.nj.us/o/collingswood/browse/154354
The Colls Police Dept is seeking members from a variety of backgrounds for its Police Advisory Committee. To apply, check out http://www.collingswood.com/news_detail_T6_R326.php
Graduations Pictures now posted! Go to www.collsk12.org for Graduation pics and videos!
Collingswood Public Schools Updates 20-21 School Calendars.
The Collingswood and Oaklyn Boards of Education will meet this evening at 6:30p to discuss the "Welcome Back 2020" plan. Information on the meeting is available on both district websites. A Question and Answer session will be sponsored by the Oaklyn Education Foundation (OEF).
Just Kids seeking Childcare Supervisors and Childcare Assistants - both Collingswood and Oaklyn.
Welcome to Collingswood Public Schools's new website and mobile app!